Thursday, December 31, 2009

later haters!

so, it's the last day of 2009.
2009 was a good year.
I mean, it wasn't good all around, but I definitely learned a LOT in 2009.
and that's the point of living, right? to learn?

well, I don't know my exact plans for tonight because I'm grounded from my keys. [I let lucas drive my car and my mom doesn't approve of other people driving it, even if it is the safer option.]

I hope I'm not alone in my room at midnight. I want to be with riella.

I don't really make new years resolutions because I'm not one of those people that thinks that everything changes at midnight. that's dumb. if you want to change, you have to change yourself.

however, I would like to get a job ASAP.
I would also like to use my camera more, a lot more.
& I want to learn how to be a better friend.

what resolutions are you guys making??



pz out 2009.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

gaby's entry #1.

hello, everyone. i'm gaby. gabalabz. gabo. uh, gabins. whatever you prefer, really. i'm the farthest thing from gaby. i'm soooo shy. probably another reason i didn't update sooner.

i'm not really sure what to say. jordy covered all the basics. she's the only girl i've ever met that actually likes the same lame, boring stuff i do. and she snail-mailed me when nobody else did. AND WE WEREN'T EVEN THAT FAR FROM EACH OTHER.

she's my best friend. and we both really want to go back to san francisco. for a month.

i've decided to probably sit school out this next semester. i live on my own in houston and so i have to pay for everything on my own. working 20 hours a week at costco isn't cutting it now that i'm living alone. especially now, during the holidays. guh. i'll probably ask for 40 hours a week again so i can save more for the SF trip. i'm going to have to take a leave of absence and that might set me back a month. i own fifteen piggy banks. i'm literally saving every penny i find for this trip.

well, i am sleepy now, blogspot.
sweetest of dreams.

Monday, December 14, 2009

almost there!

shit, christmas break is almost here. awesome. but I have 2 more exams-- music and algebra. SO SCARED.

today I studied in the library all day with gaby and our good friend lucas. by studied I mean we looked at old pictures and made jokes about the trending topics on twitter.

I had a wendy's chicken sandwich for the first time, it was pretty good but honestly I don't like fast food that much. so yeah. my stomach hates me now. but thanks to lucas for buying it for me. :D

tomorrow my other bff (whom I've known since 3rd grade) is coming back to town from Texas State. I can't wait! except we won't really get to hang out until friday.

so,  I know you guys all creep this blog. so you should leave a comment. you can even do it anonymously. how about you tell me what artist/album you've been listening to a lot recently? that would make me so happy!


Friday, December 11, 2009

hey guysssss

so gaby still doesn't have internet. stupid people at AT&T. she needs a modem. anyone wanna hook her up with one? :)

I'm sitting in the library at school, attempting to write an essay. actually, I haven't started. and it's due in less than two hours. I'm pretty much screwed, I think. it's my final history essay. this last one and I'm done. I don't know what to write, though.

I keep thinking that the longer I procrastinate, the more likely the paper will be to write itself. lolols.

I want to give a big thank you to Raising Cane's Sugar Land for holding a fan contest. I won a $25 gift basket and my mom won a $10 gift card! Cane's seriously has the best chicken fingers and sauce, no lie. man, I'm getting hungry now.

anyway, well, I'll leave you guys with some links incase you're bored.
this link
another link
and another.

I'm thinking about having a small scale Texas Tweetup in San Antonio. I love the Christmas lights on the river walk, and it would be cool to meet some of my followers! so, if you'd be interested, let me know!


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

well, damn.

unfortunately I didn't win that ridiculous contest that I entered myself in. I thought the deadline for votes was tonight, but it was earlier in the day at 1 PM. so lame.

oh well, other opportunities will come around!

gaby still needs to introduce herself on here. where is she? oh yeah, she's at her apartment that has internet but it doesn't work cause something is wrong with her ethernet cable or something. someone go fix it, please. the people need to hear from her.

I'm going to start brainstorming ideas for us to make to sell on our etsy site. I want to have things up by... Friday. is that possible? I want some good shit going on. or maybe Monday. I can hype up Cyber Monday. oh, what's Cyber Monday? well, read about it yourself, it's pretty cool.

anyway tomorrow is going to be ultra lame because my poetry teacher cancelled class (which is usually from 1-2:30) so now I have class from 10-11:30 and then a break from 11:30-4 and then class from 4-5:30. RIDICULOUS. what am I going to do with 4.5 hours?

also, does anyone want to buy me a flickr pro account or some stuff from MOO?


Friday, November 20, 2009

I ain't got no shame!

I entered in a contest held by Chili's to win $1000 for our trip to SF. Please watch the video and then click here to "like" or comment it. The most comments and likes by Tuesday, December 1st will win! Please help us out!


<3333 always,

well, hello there.

hiii guys!
well I guess I'm going to introduce myself.
I'm jordan, but everyone calls me jordy. so I guess you can too. I'm 18 (19 in less than 2 months!) and I'm a sophomore at the university of houston. my major is education-- which is really strange to me, cause I actually hate school a lot. I guess my goal is to teach children while they are young not to hate school. I don't know. I pretty much only wear dresses-- I only own one pair of jeans. I like floral patterns a lot. my hair color changes very frequently. this week it's sort of a pinkish red color. I really enjoy music, attempting to be good at photography, sushi, sleeping, dreaming, laughing, going to parks, and meeting new people. I want to go back to san francisco because I feel like 4 days was not near enough time to explore the whole city. I hope to meet some really amazing people on the way.

you can follow me on twitter by clicking here. I tweet a lot. some of the things I post are: quotes from my friends, lyrics from songs, complaints, smiley faces :), and personal and/or obscene things.

if you have any suggestions for me or gaby, please don't hesitate to tell us! we like talking to  new people.

have a good day<3333333